Carlo Mattogno: The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz – Organization, Responsibilities, Activities
2nd slightly corrected edition, Uckfield: Castle Hill Publishers, 2015

Language: English

Product no.: 4166

25.33 €

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Ever since the Russian authorities granted western historians access to their state archives in the early 1990s, the files of the Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz, stored in a Moscow archive, have attracted the attention of scholars who are researching the history of this most infamous of all German war-time camps.

Despite this interest, next to nothing has really been known so far about this very important office, which was responsible for the planning and construction of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp complex, including the crematories which are said to have contained the “gas chambers.”

This emphasizes the importance of the present study by Carlo Mattogno, which not only sheds light into this hitherto hidden aspect of this camp's history, but also provides a deep understanding of the organization, tasks, and procedures of this office. This pioneering study, which is based on mostly hitherto unpublished Moscow documents, is indispensable for all those who wish to avoid misinterpretations of Auschwitz documents, as they are frequently made by many Holocaust historians.

Second, slightly corrected edition of 2015.

196 pages, paperback, illustrated, index (Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 13)

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