Rudolf Höss, Carlo Mattogno: Commandant of Auschwitz – Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions
2nd corrected edition, Uckfield: Castle Hill Publishers, 2020

Language: English

Product no.: 4370

37.56 €

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2nd, corrected edition! From 1940 to 1943, Rudolf Höss was the commandant of the infamous Auschwitz Camp. Today’s orthodox narrative has it that during this time some 500,000 people were murdered in that camp. Yet when Höss was captured after the war, he confessed to having killed some 2,500,000 during that time. 40 years later, it was revealed that Höss had been severely tortured by his captors right after his arrest in March 1946. But what does that mean for the veracity of what Höss told in his various post-war statements?

Using various British documents, the author of the present study pieces together an almost minute-by-minute recounting of how the British managed to find Höss in his hiding place, and how they abused him after his capture to extract various “confessions” from him.

To separate truth from fiction, the author next presents essential excerpts from all the statements made by Höss after his capture: 85 individual documents in total (affidavits, memos, essays, interrogation protocols, etc.). By analyzing them meticulously, he demonstrates that Höss’s statements about the so-called “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” contradict one other and are refuted by historical facts established by solid documentation and material evidence. Höss, the author concludes, initially “was a coerced liar, but then he found a taste for the grandiloquent lie.”

416 pages, paperback, illustrated, bibl., index (Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 35)

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