Germar Rudolf: Lectures on the Holocaust – Controversial Issues Cross-Examined
4th updated edition, Uckfield: Castle Hill Publishers, 2023

Language: English

Artikel-Nr.: 4458

47,11 €

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Did you know that the mass media were reporting an impending holocaust of six million Jews since the late eighteen-hundreds? Did you know that the media have repeatedly exposed the stories of Holocaust survivors to be lies? Did you know that many mainstream scholars have expressed doubts about the accuracy of Holocaust history books? Did you know that historians critically investigating the Holocaust narrative are thrown into jail in most European countries, and are not allowed to defend themselves in court?

The present book addresses these and many more such issues. In the first section, it starts by defining what “the Holocaust” is and why it is an important topic. It then gives examples demonstrating that it is well to keep an open, critical mind. The second section tells the tale of many a mainstream scholar expressing doubts and subsequently falling from grace due to this “heresy.” The third section discusses in detail the physical traces and documents about the various claimed crime scenes, such as the camps at Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor. It investigates the claimed murder weapons: gas chambers, gas vans, crematoria and cremation pits. The fourth section thoroughly examines to what degree we can rely on witness testimony, and it analyzes the pertinent aspects of the most prominent among them. In the last section, the author lobbies for free inquiry and a free exchange of ideas about this topic, exactly because the powers that be can’t face critical questions.

Of all the thousands of books on this topic, this one gives the most-comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the critical research into the Holocaust. With its dialog style, it is pleasant to read, and with its logical organization and index, it can even be used as an encyclopedic compendium.

614 pages, paperback, illustrated, bibl., index (Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 15)

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Der Schelm läßt übrigens die schwachmatischen "Kommentare" neurotisierter Antifanten zu seinen Büchern bewußt stehen, um klarzumachen, wes Geistes Kind diese bedauernswerten Kretins sind. Der Schelm ist allerdings Humanist und Optimist und daher voll davon überzeugt, daß sich der mentale Zustand der Linksdrifter mit der Zeit verbessern wird.

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